Types of Acne Scars

What are the different types of acne?

Acne is something that most of us deal with during our teenage years. Getting out of the “breakout phase” is not easy as it leaves behind yet another unwanted guest called “acne scars”. Acne scars usually develop when the skin tissue is damaged after a severe acne breakout. During the healing process, new skin formed at the side of the wound is raised, rough and depressed. Having scars on your face is the most upsetting feeling one could ever have. However, you do not need to feel bad anymore because there are a handful of treatments, which have been found effective to treat acne scars.

A study published in the journal of dermatology research and practice has claimed that addressing the types of acne scars is crucial before heading to the solutions.  Understanding the severity of skin damage would be a great help to reduce the appearance of pits or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from the face.


  • Ice pick scars
  • Box scar
  • Rolling
  • Brown marks
  • Hypertrophic
  • Chickenpox scars

Types of Acne Scars

1. Ice Pick

As the name suggests, the ice pick scars appear as narrow depressions or tiny needle-holes punctured in your skin. A study conducted by the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology explains that ice pick scars are formed when your skin loses its collagen and the inflammation reaches your skin surface. This results in overlaying skin to disintegrate, leaving tiny holes.  

2. Box scar

Box scars are known to be one of the most common types of scarring that usually occurs during the acne healing process. They appear in the form of indents in your skin. Top dermatologists explain that these acne scars are formed due to tissue loss and therefore, their size depends upon the number of tissues that are lost. It is imperative to acknowledge that alike all acne scars, the formation of box scars greatly depends on how your skin heals. That being the case, avoid picking or squeezing acne lesions to minimize any chance of scarring. 

 3. Rolling

Rolling acne scars are generally the result of long-term inflammatory acne. When the fibrous connection is formed between the upper layer and the deeper layer of your skin, a stretch is triggered which makes the depressions look like small waves. Countless studies stated that the rolling scars are shallow but give an impression of deep depressions on your skin when grouped. 



 4. Brown marks

As the name suggests, brown marks are the brown spots left behind on your skin after the acne is cured. It is also known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Some people consider it a normal part of the acne healing but many dermatologists clarified that these scars tend to take a long time to disappear if not treated. 

5. Hypertrophic

A hypertrophic scar is caused as a result of the overproduction of collagen. It is a very rare type of acne scar that looks like a bump of tissue mass on your skin surface. Studies show that hypertrophic scars are often formed at the site of pimples, cuts, burns, piercings etc.

 6. Chickenpox scars

Many skin specialists explain that excessive scratching or picking of chickenpox blisters tend to leave your skin damaged by a deep wound. This compels your body to start producing a tissue that is thicker than your skin to repair it, therefore leading to scar tissue. 


Types of Acne Scars


New research findings reveal that the prevention of acne on your skin is the first and foremost step in avoiding the appearance of post-acne scars. If you find yourself constantly dealing with acne, then it is essential to start its treatment immediately. Skin infections that persist for more than 3-4 weeks mostly end up forming scars. As per dermatologists, using oil control face wash with the best anti-acne ingredients is a great saviour for your skin from severe breakout complications.  Last but not least, flawless and radiant skin is just a matter of the right skin care regimen.


When it comes to acne scars, there are many recommendations involving chemical peels, dermabrasion, surgery, needling or rolling. However, among all these treatments, topical medications being non – invasive is a highly effective and easily accessible solution to getting rid of acne or pit scars. Pitstop gel is one such topical formulation that is enriched with the best botanical extracts, which help reduce the appearance of acne scars. Natural ingredients like Bulbine Frutescens, Allium Cepa Bulb Extract, Olea Europaea Leaf Extract (Olive), and Bellis perennis help to reinforce the collagen formation to rebuild the damaged skin.