Home Remedies for Blackheads and Whitehead

5 Home Remedies for Blackheads and Whitehead

Blackhead is a type of acne which occurs when the pores get settled with dirt and dust. When the skin around the pores is oxidized by getting exposed in the air, it is formed. Since it is black in colour, it is easily noticeable on the skin which is why it becomes very important to get rid of it. Unlike whiteheads, blackheads have a small opening through which the air gets in as a result of which the oil and dead cells trapped inside get oxidized and become black in colour. A lot of people choose to squeeze the blackhead in order to get rid of it but it is advised not to do so as the blackheads are formed of bacteria and dead cells which can damage the pore walls and affect the tissue which can leave your skin scarred. So, instead of causing damage to your skin, know about certain home remedies for clearing blackheads.

Blackhead Clearing Cleansers

1.    Baking Soda

baking soda home remedy for clearing blackheads

Baking soda not only helps in fighting acne but it also exfoliates very well and is a very good blackhead clearing cleanser. It has anti-microbial and anti-fungal activities which not only help in maintaining the pH balance of the skin but also remove the dead skin cells and excess oil from the face by unclogging the skin pores. You just need to form a paste of baking soda with lukewarm water and apply it on your face for approximately 20-30 minutes.

2.    Egg White

egg white home remedy for clearing blackheads

The astringent properties of egg white help in tightening the skin and the pores. It also closes the hair follicles which produce sebum and removes the blackheads. It is also very simple to prepare. You just have to separate the egg white from the yellow part and apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes. You can also mix honey in it in order to lend a moisturizing effect to your skin and for clearing blackheads naturally.

3.    Lemon

lemon for clearing blackheads

Lemon is another exfoliator which not only tightens the skin but also helps in lightening its colour. It has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which constrict the dirt and excess oils from entering into the pores and also fights acne-causing bacteria. You must be careful with lemon if you have sensitive skin. You can mix lemon juice with water, honey or even curd. These ingredients will help in preventing the skin from getting completely dry and act as great home remedies for clearing blackheads.

4.    Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar for clearing blackheads

Apple cider vinegar is a very useful ingredient and it has various skin and health benefits. One of those benefits is that it is a blackhead clearing cleanser. Since it contains malic acid, it helps in getting rid of the dead cells and its strong anti-bacterial property helps in killing the harmful bacteria. You just have to mix ACV with water and apply the mixture with the help of a cotton ball. Wash your face after 15-20 minutes.

5.    Coconut Oil

coconut oil home remedy for clearing blackheads

Coconut oil, being a natural ingredient is extremely beneficial for almost everything. Similarly, it also helps in removing blackheads as it contains lauric acid. Not only this, but it also helps in hydrating the skin and eliminating the dead cells. This is the best remedy to be used if you have dry skin.

Clearing Blackheads Naturally

You must be very careful while trying any of the above mentioned home remedies for clearing blackheads and stay alert weather they are suiting you or not and select your products accordingly. You can also apply tomatoes, clay masks, strawberry, and castor oil also to get rid of blackheads. Even steaming you face will help in exfoliation.

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