Does Coffee Trigger Acne?

Does Coffee Trigger Acne?

Are you one of the biggest coffee lovers on this earth and have acne too? No matter what time of day it is, a cup of coffee is enough to boost your spirits. Coffee is surely a magical drink. While offering numerous health benefits, there are some hidden harm coffee can cause to your skin. You might feel a little sad after knowing that coffee can exacerbate acne if you inherit oily or acne-prone skin type. Coffee is like a double-edged sword for acne-prone skin. Although drinking coffee won’t directly cause acne, overconsumption can certainly aggravate it. We are not going to say you to quit coffee but rather we want to make you understand how does caffeine make you break out.

How does coffee trigger acne?

  • Doubles your body’s stress response
  • Affects sleep cycle
  • Milk and sugar in coffee
  • Absorbs nutrients from the food
  • Causes sugar cravings


How does coffee trigger acne?

1. Doubles your body’s stress response

Coffee contains caffeine which is responsible for making you feel alert and awake. However, it also increases your stress levels. It has been found that stress hormones like cortisol have the tendency to increase oil production by sebaceous glands for causing acne.

A research study published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology has observed that stress exacerbates acne flare-ups.

2. Affects natural sleep cycle

Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps you awake and alert. Drinking many cups of coffee during the daytime or having caffeine too close to bedtime leads to sleeplessness and therefore, causes acne. Numerous research studies have mentioned that sleep deprivation is one of the major factors responsible for causing acne.

3. Milk and sugar in coffee

Since milk and sugar are the most preferred ingredients in a coffee cup, however, they have the tendency to trigger acne. According to a 2018 research study, dairy intake such as milk, yogurt, and cheese is associated with increased acne severity.

Skin care experts explain that milk contains some hormones that contribute to acne formation. Whereas when you consume refined sugar, it causes inflammation throughout the body which further provokes acne and breakouts.

4. Absorbs nutrients from the food

Drinking coffee near your meal timings can often lead your body to lose minerals like zinc, iron, and selenium which are very important for the body. Acne can get worsened by deficiencies of such minerals.

Therefore, in the first place, you must avoid coffee intake, however, if it is not possible, then you should at least maintain a gap of one hour between the two.

5. Causes sugar cravings

Caffeine intake elevates cortisol levels (primary stress hormone) in your body. Your brain requires extra energy for coping up with stress which increases the craving for sugar. Many research studies have elaborated that eating sugar stimulates feel-good hormones. When blood sugar levels rise in your body, it elevates the insulin hormone which leads to overproduction of sebum and acne risks.

Other research studies explain that stress also leads to unhealthy eating behaviors like munching on junk food. Avoiding the consumption of processed food items like burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, french fries, and carbonated drinks are identified as the major cause of adult acne.


Does Coffee Trigger Acne?


There is a famous saying that excess of everything is bad. Coffee is loaded with many essential nutrients and antioxidants that benefit your skin, hair, and overall health. But when you drink too much coffee, it adversely begins to impact your body and skin. Acne is the most common skin concern these days which is highly triggered by your eating habits and other causes. When you are dealing with acne, it is good to be mindful of your daily caffeine intake, skin care products, and personal hygiene habits.



Not only this, there are more adverse effects of coffee on your skin. Many research studies have confirmed that too much consumption of coffee accelerates the skin aging process. Sleep deprivation disturbs the natural skin repair cycle which leads to dark circles, dull complexion, and a mature appearance. In addition, coffee also dehydrates your body which gives rise to fine lines and wrinkles.




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