Hyperpigmentation Making You Stressed? 5 Mantras To Swear By

Stop Worrying About Hyperpigmentation! 5 Mantras To De -Stress

Remember the anxiety during the exams? How it used to make your mind go blank and give you feel like throwing up! Well, stress can aggravate anything. And it is not a new observation.

However, it is important to understand that if you are dealing with any kind of skin condition, stress can really ruin it for you. Here, we are talking about hyperpigmentation. Let’s brief you a little.

Hyperpigmentation and stress

What is hyperpigmentation? MedlinePlus, an online-based health information resource, simply described pigmentation as coloring. As the root of the word implies, hyper, the Greek prefix, indicates an excess or surplus.
On that note, it probably makes sense that hyperpigmentation stems from an abnormal amount of color or darkening on the skin. 

Typically, this will occur as a result of the skin experiencing stress. When melanocytes, also known as pigment producing cells, are brought about and increased by stress, hyperpigmentation is often the outcome. 

Hey, don’t worry! Take a look at some special tips and tricks that can be used to easily combat hyperpigmentation and the worries that often come with it. 


1. Staying one step ahead

A hyperpigmentation diagnosis can seem alarming or overwhelming at first, but it is always important to remember that knowledge is power. With that being said, professionals are familiar with the common and popular causes of hyperpigmentation

If you or a loved one come to realize you are prone to this skin condition, by taking action and staying one step ahead, individuals may be able to take preventive measures. 

 Stop Worrying About Hyperpigmentation! 5 Mantras To De–Stress

2. Patience is the key

Hyperpigmentation can sometimes have a negative effect on self-esteem and mental health of the ones dealing with it. However, individuals who find themselves in this position have a lot of reasons to try to stay positive and hopeful

Some people may be surprised to learn that hyperpigmentation, typically, can fade and decrease over the span of 3 to 6 months. 

With that being said, it is important to remember that patience is essential when dealing with a skin condition like this one.  

3. Have a conversation

Talking really helps. So does venting out without being judged and biased. And it is also important to bear in mind that you’re not alone

Fortunately, there are a tremendous amount of resources and information available to people who are dealing with hyperpigmentation on the internet and social media. 

Accredited sources like American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD) are trustworthy and valid resources that are available to the public, and a good place to begin. 

In "Hyperpigmentation- Daily do's of Dermatology" Dr. Reagan Anderson, a Board Certified Dermatologist and Mohs Micrographic surgeon, reviewed simple daily tips and tasks that can help people who suffer from the skin condition.  

It may seem too simple and obvious, but by plainly talking with a doctor or medical professional individuals are able to begin an important and essential conversation that will spur and fuel medical journeys and discoveries. 

4. Turn to Twitter

News updates, memes and celebrity gossip are just a few to name, but, over the years, Twitter has become a great place to share and find information. There are many verified Twitter threads that have explored hyperpigmentation and how to handle it. 

Tiara Willis, a professional from New York, is one of the many who has shared a tremendous amount of content and visual aids that can help individuals learn about hyperpigmentation and how to successfully navigate it. The Twitter thread is definitely worth a read, and, if anything, there is always something to be said and community and comradery. 

4. Keep it natural

When it comes to treating hyperpigmentation there are a ton of different tactics and methods. However, everyone is different and many people want to avoid putting unfamiliar or unusual substances in or on their body. On that note, sometimes it can be better to keep it natural. 

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) recently released a study that analyzed the effectiveness of natural ingredients when it came to managing hyperpigmentation. 


5. Perspective 

Some people struggle with accepting and handling their hyperpigmentation. It can be a stressor for many, but finding ways to maintain a positive perspective can go a long way. 

A Twitter account that is grounded in "inspiring positive change" shared a positive and powerful message that can be helpful for anyone dealing with hyperpigmentation or anything like it. It read,


 "Let's try to unlearn damaging perceptions about beauty. Skin comes with a variety of spots, colours, stretches etc. It is part of being human."  


Of course, some things are easier said than done, but they most certainly hit the nail on the head. It is important to stay educated, informed, and know your options, but, needless to say, it is just as important to remember that hyperpigmentation, or any skin condition, is completely normal. 

How Re'equil is here to help!

Re'equil is a brand and company that truly gets it. Dealing with damaged hair or skin can often lead to distress and even extreme despair. Wasting money on products that don't work certainly doesn't help matters. That is why Re'equil is grounded in helping individuals find solutions that actually work and allow people to feel more like themselves. Re'equil's care tips and remedies embody the essence of this. 

Customers can easily target their efforts since Re'equil is able to break it down by concern. When it comes to hyperpigmentation, the Skin Radiance Cream for Hyperpigmentation & Dark Spots is one of the most popular options, and with over 1,000 raving reviews, the product's success speaks for itself.  

The Ultra Matte Dry Touch Sunscreen Gel SPF 50 PA and Fruit AHA Face Wash for Hyperpigmentation & Skin Brightening are two other best-sellers that customers love. 

Hyperpigmentation can often cause a lot of stress and worrying, but, with the right information and tools, it doesn't have to be that way.



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