Your Skin and The Sun. How Much Sun Exposure A Day Is Safe?

Your Skin And The Sun. How Much Sun Exposure A Day Is Safe?

.For centuries, the sun's warm light has nourished our planet. The sunshine has a positive impact on our mood, our skin, and our overall health. When it comes to our skin, the problem is how to know the right balance. How do you get all the health benefits from the sun and still practice proper skin safety? Our guide to sunscreens and your skin will let you know how much sun the ideal amount is. 

How much sun exposure a day is safe for your skin?

While the sun offers many benefits, too much sun can lead to embarrassing burns that can damage your skin. Sunburns can be dangerous, so you want to avoid them at all costs with the right sunscreen.

Over-exposure to sunlight can also cause early aging and wrinkles. As we age, the shorter UVB wavelengths can also damage our skin's DNA, and the longer UVA wavelengths can also damage our skin molecules and cause aging

Because of these factors, it is very important to know how much sun exposure a day is safe for your skin. The answer is, just a few minutes.

Many people believe you need sunlight in order to get enough vitamin D, and it is true that exposing your skin to a small amount of sunlight can help the body synthesize vitamin D. But you only have to spend 10-15 minutes a day to get enough.

According to doctors, just walking outside with your arms exposed for 10 minutes is enough, and is the limit without sunscreen.

Does sunscreen lead to vitamin D deficiency? About 100 % of dermatologists share this same advice

You may have concerns that sunscreen leads to vitamin D deficiency. Luckily, dermatologists share the same advice that there is no danger of vitamin D deficiency when using sunscreen. This is because being in the sun without sunscreen only generates a small amount of vitamin D, and you can get vitamin D from foods such as fish oils, fatty fish, cheese, liver, and egg yolks. 

In fact, it is much more dangerous to get a sunburn than it is to worry about a vitamin D deficiency from sunscreen. A sunburn can lead to age spots, melasma, and early aging.

On the other hand, it is easy to get the proper amount of vitamin D with a short stint of a small area of skin in the sun, food sources, or multivitamins. 

How do I know what SPF to get for my skin? 15, 30, 45 or 50

All sunscreens have an SPF, or Sun Protection Factor. These are usually 15, 30, 45, or 50. These numbers tell you how long you can stay in the sun without burning, but it isn't an exact science.

In theory, if you get a burn after 20 minutes without sunscreen, you can multiply that amount by the SPF to determine how many minutes you can stay in the sun. 

Most dermatologists recommend being on the safe side and choosing SPF 50 sunscreen. If you are on the water or at the beach, it should be reapplied often.

Choosing a broad-spectrum, SPF 50 sunscreen protects your delicate skin from UVA, IR (Infra-Red), and UVB radiation. SPF 50 sunscreen provides protection from 98% of UVB rays .

Do you really need to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours?

Yes, it is important to apply sunscreen properly and reapply often. This is because as sunscreen breaks down with UV light, it becomes "full" and ineffective. Reapplying often ensures your sunscreen continues to do its job.

A convenient way to do this is to choose a dry-touch sunscreen such as Reequil's Ultra-Matte Dry touch Sunscreen Gel SPF 50. Being sweat and water resistant and quick-drying, it is the perfect solution for an everyday sunscreen that's easy to reapply.

A gel-based, waterproof sunscreen is the best choice for humid climates . It has a light feel which keeps you from feeling sticky. 

It is also important to apply your sunscreen properly.

Take care to put a thick layer on your skin to get the proper protection.

Most people under-apply sunscreen by at least 1/2 or 1/4. That reduces the effectiveness of sunscreen by the same amount, so it's imperative to apply it liberally to get the best protection. 

Also, make sure to check the expiry date on your sunscreen. Expired sunscreen means active ingredients have broken down and it isn't working to it's proper potential. 

7 best tips to stay safe in the sun

It is always good practice to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day, between 10am and 4pm. Wearing a cute hat is a perfect way to protect your face from the sun's rays, and wearing long sleeves and pants to cover your skin works well too. Seek shade when the sun's rays are beating down. The important thing is to not expose your skin for more than a few minutes without sunscreen. 

Here are our top tips for staying safe in the sun.

1. Use high-quality sunscreen 

As detailed above, choosing the right sunscreen is your best defense against burning.

2. Forget about tanning 

Tanning of any kind, including tanning beds, tanning booths, and laying out, is no longer recommended. There is too much risk of skin damage

3. Limit your exposure to the sun during peak hours

The best way to avoid sun damage is to limit your exposure outdoors, especially during the peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm . This is when the sun is at its strongest. If you are out during those hours, be sure to seek shade, wear a hat, or sit under an umbrella. 

4. Wear clothing that shields you from the sun 

Long sleeves, hats, and long pants are perfect protection from a burn. 

5. Get vitamin D from other sources than sun 

This is an outdated idea that isn't healthy in the long run. Vitamin D can be found in many other sources, and it takes very little sun exposure to help the body synthesize vitamin D. 

6. Don't forget sunglasses 

Your eyes also need protection from the sun's harmful rays. Check the label for sunglasses that block 99% of UVB and UVA rays. 

7. Pay attention to your skin 

Get to know your skin so you are aware of any changes. Look for new markings, changes in moles, bumps, or spots and report them to your doctor. 


Key Takeaways 

Using the right sunscreen will protect your skin from the dangers of hyperpigmentation, aging, skin allergies and maintain a dewy complexion. Exposing your skin without protection can lead to long-term damage and wrinkles, so it is smart to find the right product as soon as possible.


Taking care of our skin is one of the most important parts of our skin care routine, no matter what our age. Being diligent about using the right sunscreen and limiting our exposure to the sun are the right steps to look and feel your best.


Remember to choose your skin care products wisely , because their effects are only as good as their quality. Re'equil skin products are dermatologically tested, SLS and paraben free, with clinically proven ingredients, creating the very best face serums, sunscreens, and moisturisers. Visit and read our blogs for more helpful skin care tips

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