Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

The smile that lightens up your eyes.

The hair that’s wild and gorgeous.

The laugh that’s unapologetic and thunderous.

The beauty that’s reflected in your personality.

These are some of the genuine signs of a beautiful woman—one who is elegant on the inside and outside. Yet, in today’s materialist world like ours, we tend to forget the beauty that lies within us and end up scouting for beauty elsewhere. Somewhere down the line we’ve forgotten the true essence of beauty, where a woman is comfortable in her own skin, accepts the imperfections within her, and still manages to stay true to her beliefs.

While we celebrate International Women’s Day every year, let’s make this Women’s Day a little more about you and a little less about others. Because nothing is more impressive than a woman who is secure, unique, and comfortable in her own skin. This International Women’s Day, let’s pledge to be our own version of beautiful. Here’s an International Women’s Day theme that every woman needs to follow today and everyday—celebrating real beauty.

If you’re still wondering how to celebrate International Women’s Day and real beauty, here are some simple ways to do it.


Practicing self-care is a must

When you feel unwell, you immediately consult your physician. It’s easier to identify the symptoms of the body. But what happens when your mind is restless? How do you detect its symptoms and take care of it? Like the body, your mind deserves your time and attention too. This is where self-care plays such an important role. Unlike what many women out there think, self-care isn’t selfish. It’s crucial for you to switch off for a while and focus on yourself, and then switch on to become the best version of yourself. Here are some simpler ways to include self-care in your daily routine.

1. Some time with yourself is much needed

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

How often have you visited a restaurant by yourself or gone for a movie alone? If you haven’t, then you’re missing out on something amazing. With so much of chaos within our minds and the outside world, we forget to connect with our inner self. Alone time with yourself gives you the chance to reflect on your thoughts, show gratitude, recharge, and recalibrate. So, make this women’s day a happy women’s day by treating yourself to a movie.

2. Take out the time to exercise

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

Exercising is not always about losing a few pounds, but it’s also about exercising your mind and keeping it fit. Start by going out for a 30 min walk, do a couple of squats and other exercises. Remember that your body is your most prized possession and it’s your responsibility to take care of it. So commit to yourself that you’ll take good care of it.

3. Pamper yourself from time to time

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

You don’t have to go rogue with your credit card, but it’s alright to splurge on yourself sometimes. Head out to the mall with your friends and indulge yourself in some shopping and yummy delicacies. Or simply go for a haircut and you’ll end feeling extremely liberated after giving your hair a new style.

4. Learn to say ‘No’ when it’s necessary

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

You cannot please anyone and everyone, and at some time, you’ll have to let them know that. As a woman, there may have been several instances where you wanted to say ‘no’ but ended up saying yes, and that has caused you stress. Saying ‘no’ isn’t bad; in fact, it gives you peace of mind and helps you put your priorities in place.

5. Eat healthy and nourish your body

Celebrating real beauty on international women’s day

Although challenging at first, healthy eating is so important for the mind and body. Create a chart and begin your day on a healthy note. You may not realise it now, but eating healthy is the first step to self-care, because only when the body is looked after can the mind be nourished.


Why taking out some ‘Me’ time is crucial for women?

A daughter. A sister. A wife. A daughter-in-law. A mother.

A woman takes all these responsibilities head-on and plays each of these roles effortlessly. She is the thread that binds the family together. Although she might not show it, a woman may often become overwhelmed by the burden of responsibilities that these roles demand. Here’s what taking out some time for yourself out of your hectic schedule can do for you.

  • Improve your mental health

Self-love and self-care are interconnected and equally important. You need to care of your mind as much as you care for your body. Making time for some relaxing activities can improve your mental health.

  • Make happiness a daily routine

Being happy is a simple thing, but it isn’t easy to put it into practice. With hectic lifestyles and stress looming above our heads, depression has become a common concern. Taking out the time for things that make you happy (it can something as simple as dancing, reading, yoga) doesn’t take much efforts.

  • Being a role model for your kids

It’s a known fact that children look up to their parents. If you’re not happy, it reflects on their attitude too. Hence, it’s vital that you take care of yourself before taking care of your children. Only when you invest in yourself can you invest in your children and their future.

A vital factor for women to focus on some ‘me’ time is to overcome the various stigmas that they face in their everyday life. Stigmas that affect their physical health as well as their mental peace. One of the main stigmas that women of all age groups face is—beauty.

How is the beauty stigma impacting women around the world?

Did you know that women believe that their conception of beauty is largely influenced by social media? If that’s the case then a pimple, acne, or hair fall can make you extremely conscious of the way you look and lead to stress.

From televisions to magazines, women have been fed a lie that ‘real beauty is flawless’. From the celebrity culture to the media, beauty standards are set so high that it becomes impossible for women to keep up. It’s a constant struggle for women out there—either they’ve been told they’re too fat, too thin, too dark or too fair, and don’t have clear skin—leading these women to spend a fortune on things that enhance their appearance. What women have forgotten along the way is that real beauty isn’t flawless. Real beauty is embracing the flaws and searching for the beauty within yourself and others.

You don’t have to look too far to see how society perceives beauty. These two dialogues from the recently released AyushmannKhurrana starrer, Bala clearly showcases the stigma surrounding beauty.

  • “Yehhaihamaarepramukhakhbaaronke matrimonial ads—padhaai-likhaijaati­-prajaati sab baadmein, Sirfgoriladkichahiye—in short jogorahaiwohsundarhai.” – says Bala, a man in his late 20s, who suffers from premature balding.


  • “Jab 8 saalkibachchiko ‘Kala’ bola jatahai, koi nahisamajhsaktauskokya feel hotahai.” – says Latika (Bhumi Pednekar) who plays a dark-skinned girl in the movie.


What is the best routine to get a healthy, glowing skin?

Skin care and hair care don’t happen overnight, it requires the right care and nourishment. It’s a wonderful thing to be natural, but it’s also critical to follow the right skin care regimen once in a while. Follow these easy and simple skin care tips and fall in love with your skin.

What is the best routine to get a healthy, glowing skin?

  • Keep yourself hydrated

Drinking lukewarm, lemon water can be the best way to begin your day. Ensure that you keep yourself and your skin hydrated. This will work wonders on your skin and you’ll see the results in a few days.

  • Choose the best cleanser for your skin type

Not all cleansers are meant for all skin types. Dry skin, acne-prone skin, oily skin have different cleansers. Use the cleanser that best suits your skin type and don’t forget to cleanse your skin on a regular basis.

  • Moisturise your skin day and night

 Dermatologists claim that the right time to moisturise is as soon as you get out of the shower and before you head for bed. Opt for a moisturiser that doesn’t cause any irritation, redness or inflammation, and is gentle on your skin.

  • Wear sunscreen during all seasons

People have this misconception that one needs to apply sunscreen only during the sunny days. But you need to protect your skin during all weather conditions. Select a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or more and don’t forget to apply it after every two hours.

  • Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin

Research states that we lose around 50 million skin cells in a day. This makes the skin look dull and sullen, which is why you need to exfoliate your skin once in a while. Pick a product with the right pH level and refresh your skin.

Although being a brand that offers cosmeceutical solutions, Re’equil promotes the belief that accepting one’s self is the first step to real beauty. We believe that every woman out there needs to be a ‘force of beauty’, who understands that real beauty is knowing how to treat people, how you conduct yourself in adverse situations, and in the way you love—real beauty is in your soul. We stand by the fact that real beauty is about being confident in the way you are and being completely uninhibited. For us, women are beautiful not in the way they look or speak—just in the way they are.


A very Happy International Women’s Day to every woman out there who is unapologetic in the way she is and doesn’t shy away from showing her real, imperfect, quirky, flawed, weird side to the world.