Newest Ingredient To Heal Acne Quickly – Peptides

Peptides - The New 'Anti Acne' Ingredient on the Block

Acne can be stubborn, but this new-age solution is definitely not!

Dealing with acne can be quite a task. You may strongly feel the urge to ‘pop’ them. But…but wait, my friend! I know that you must have tried every possible treatment but to no use. Well, here’s some good news.

You will be amazed to know that cosmeceutical science and research have discovered Topical Peptides to work wonders to treat acne. Read below to know more!

What are peptides?

Peptides are short chains of amino acids- more or less the building blocks of proteins. These proteins are something that your skin is made up of. Peptides signal the cells to generate more collagen- a major protein responsible for skin’s firmness, elasticity and firmness. 

As a topical ingredient, peptides work to strengthen the natural barrier of your skin, combat acne, prevent skin aging, and maintain plump and youthful-looking skin. Their topical application is a way of telling the body the need to make more collagen. 

A latest research study published in 2020 has elaborated on antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of peptides. It is a great ingredient if you are dealing with acne inflammation. 

How to get rid of acne with peptides?

Peptides possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties against acne causing bacteria. They act fast on bacteria by penetrating into their bacterial membranes.

Peptide-based topical skin care products are available by different names, you can easily identify them as follows-

Oligopeptides- 10 

Research studies have observed that Oligopeptide-10 exhibits wonderful antimicrobial activity on acne-causing bacteria named Propionibacterium acnes

Additionally, the benefits of oligopeptides 10 increase manifolds when paired with other super anti-acne ingredients like salicylic acids, a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHAs). This dynamic combination of peptide and BHAs helps to regulate excess sebum production and eases inflammation meanwhile speeds up the healing of acne lesions. 

Copper Tripeptides

Copper peptides also known as copper tripeptides. This ingredient has excellent acne healing properties. Simultaneously, it can help to repair the damaged skin barrier to calm the inflammation and irritation. Recently, it has been observed that copper tripeptides offer great results in scar reduction and fading away the post acne marks. 

 "Peptide based serums are exceptionally great when it comes to resolving your acne botherations. While treating your acne flare ups, peptide serums promote superb skin rejuvenation as well.”

Benefits of peptides for skin
1. Clear acne marks and acne scars

When your acne heals completely, Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) and pitted acne scars are the next possible risks. During the healing of acne, imbalanced collagen levels lead to the formation of either atrophic (pitted scars) or hypertrophic (raised scars). 

With their collagen-boosting, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, Copper tripeptides help to smoothen out the uneven skin texture and heal inflamed skin. As per research, combining Copper tripeptide with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate) show a great improvement in acne marks (aka Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation). So, if you are in search of how to remove pimples from your face, peptides serums are worth a shot.

2. Strengthen skin barrier

When skin barrier is healthy, you are less likely to get wrinkles, dry, and rough skin. Another significant benefit of using peptide-based serums is that they help to strengthen your skin barrier by boosting collagen production. Thus improving barrier functions to deliver soft, hydrated, and plump skin.

3. Diminish fine lines and wrinkles

When applied topically, peptides send signals to your skin cells to generate more collagen and elastin. There is enough research to support that serums infused with peptides are great to soften wrinkles, redefine acne-damaged skin, and add youthfulness and overall health to your skin.

The latest study published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) has also evaluated the anti aging benefits of the peptide. 

4. Improve skin's firmness

Specially for acne prone skin types, dermatologists consider copper peptides as a strong preventive measure against premature skin aging. These peptides act as a signaling agent to your skin cells to encourage the production of collagen and elastin protein to restore skin elasticity and firmness.

How to use peptides?

As per skin care experts, it is good to use peptides serums twice a day for the best results. A peptide serum should be applied onto a clean and toned face followed by a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Applying moisturizer helps to lock in serum ingredients into the skin. 

It is important to note that peptides can make the upper layer of the skin a bit sensitive. So no matter if you use them in the morning or night, it is strongly recommended to wear sunscreen during the day as your skin is going to be exposed to sun rays.

Can I mix peptides with other active ingredients?

Yes, of course. Peptides work in synergy with other ingredients like vitamin C, Niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and  salicylic acid. However, always be mindful of choosing the peptide based skin care products according to your skin type. It is crucial to understand the right ingredient combinations. When used in combinations,  peptides act gently on skin and usually do not bring the risk of skin irritations.

Final takeaway

Peptides have a wide range of benefits for your skin, especially, the use of peptides is widely appreciated for oily and acne-prone skin types, and aging concerns. To reap the full benefits of peptides for your skin, it is important to figure out your unique skin type and concerns. For instance, if you are dealing with acne infection or looking for ways to fade out post-acne marks or acne scars, then look for Oligopeptide 10 and Copper Tripeptides.

To achieve finer and clear skin easily and effectively, take the plunge on peptide serums!



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