Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Elbows

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Elbows

What an irony! Despite having pretty fashionable clothes in your wardrobe, you can’t make most out of them. Instead, you prefer to wear long sleeves clothes every now and then for hiding your rough and dark elbows.  No doubt, your clothing style makes your look more confident, charming, and attractive.  One study found that the way you dress up enhances your cognitive abilities.   However, it is definitely a little harder to flaunt and embrace your skin when you do not have flawless skin. Now you don’t have to feel conscious about your dark elbows because countless home remedies are available for you as a solution.

Natural ingredients available in your pantry are known to give you brighter and smooth elbow and knee skin. Many research studies advocate that natural ingredients like lemon and turmeric may help to remove hyperpigmentation or any other darker patches of skin.


Many factors are considered responsible for the formation of dark skin on your elbows than rest of body parts –

  • Hyperpigmentation caused by prolonged sun exposure
  • Dark skin cell buildup
  • Any skin injury
  • Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy
  • Use of certain medications
  • Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis
  • Age spots

    Home remedies

    • Sugar  and olive oil
    • Curd
    • Lemon
    • Turmeric
    • Coconut oil


       Home remedies for dark elbows


    1. Sugar  and olive oil

    The wonderful combination of sugar and olive oil is one of the best effective home remedies for bright and glowing skin. Exfoliating properties of sugar help to soften the rough skin by sloughing off the dead skin cells from elbows. Whereas, the presence of vitamins like A, D, and E in the olive oil help to accelerate the skin rejuvenation.

    Ingredients you need

    •  Sugar
    •  Olive oil

    Directions to use

    • Take equal amounts of sugar and olive oil in a bowl.
    • Mix them properly to make a scrub.
    • Gently rub this mixture in a circular motion on your elbows and knees for 5 minutes.
    • Wash it off with a mild soap or body cleanser followed by a moisturizer.
    • Do it daily until you observe a noticeable change in the skin tone around your elbows or knees.

    2. Curd

    Curd is another superpower kitchen ingredient to lighten your dark elbows. Many research studies have evaluated the benefits of fermented dairy products for promoting healthy skin.   Lactic acid and AHA’s (Alpha hydroxy acids) present in curd help to get rid of any blemishes and dark spots from the skin.

    Ingredients you need

    • Curd
    • Gram flour

    Directions to use

    • Mix 2 -3 tablespoons of curd with 1 tablespoon of gram flour.
    • Apply this paste on your darkened elbows and knees.
    • Let it for 20 -25 minutes.
    • Gently rub it with your fingers while washing it away.

    3. Lemon

    Thanks to high amounts of Vitamin C in lemon, which helps to brighten the skin tone. There is no doubt about the incredible benefits of vitamin C for skin. Natural bleaching and exfoliating properties help to clear the dead cell and impurities from the skin. Besides, it also boosts the collagen formation for revealing the healthy layers of skin.

    Ingredients you need

    • Lemon
    •  Honey

    Directions to use

    • Mix one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and ½ half tablespoon of honey.
    • With the help of a cotton ball, apply this juice on your elbows and knees.
    • Leave it for 20 minutes.
    • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
    • Another option is that you can simply rub the half cut lemon piece on your dark elbows for 5-10 minutes. Rinse it off with water.

    4. Turmeric

    This staple kitchen ingredient is greatly appreciated for achieving spot-free and radiant skin since old times. Curcumin in turmeric helps to control the overproduction of melanin in the skin. Thereby, it prevents skin darkening and offers the extra glow to your skin as well.

    Ingredients you need

    • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
    • 2 tablespoon of milk

    Directions to use

    • Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of milk.
    • Massage it on your elbows for at least 5 minutes.
    • Let it for 15- 20 minutes.
    • Wash it off with lukewarm water.

    5. Coconut oil

    Have you ever heard about this secret remedy to get rid of dark elbows? Being enriched with Vitamin E, it not only helps to lighten the dark skin of elbows and knees but also softens the rough skin. In addition, a research study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology has also demonstrated the skin-brightening benefits after the topical use of Vitamin E.

    Ingredients you need

    • Coconut oil
    • Walnut powder

    Directions to use

    • Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to one tablespoon of walnut powder.
    • Apply this thick paste on your elbows before showering and let it for at least 20 minutes.


    Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Elbows


    If your skin is dry, rough, and extra dark then it is high time to gear up your skin care routine.  The first thing you ought to do is keep your skin hydrated and moisturized after exfoliation. Elbow skin usually remains deprived of moisturization, which ultimately becomes rough and dull. Ceramide and hyaluronic acid-based moisturizers are considered quite effective in offering the ultimate rejuvenation to your skin. Hydrating your skin religiously will help you to attain the plump and youthful appearance. With the consistent use of home remedies and additional tips, you can effortlessly flaunt your flawless skin every day.



    Many research findings claim that unprotected sun exposure is a significant cause of dark elbows and knees. Intense UVA and UVB rays trigger the melanin production, which makes your skin appear darker than natural skin tone. The use of sunscreen containing physical sunscreen filters like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide offers the optimum sun coverage without fear of getting acne or any other skin allergies. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen is secret advice from skincare experts for people who strive for healthy, clear, and wrinkle-free skin.

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